Fallout black screen on launch
Fallout black screen on launch

fallout black screen on launch

Same is the case when you are changing scenes. However, it seems when the game loads, it requires a boost to launch all the modules to get going. When you select a predetermined value, the FPS will not exceed this value in all cases.

  • Launch Fallout 4 again after restarting your computer.įallout 4 has a nifty feature where you can set an FPS cap on the game.
  • Set the launch options to “ -windowed -noborder”.
  • Once in properties, navigate to the General tab and click Set launch options.
  • Now, right-click on Fallout 4’s entry and click on Properties.
  • Launch Steam and click on Library to view all your games.
  • fallout black screen on launch

    In this solution, we will navigate to Fallout 4’s properties and change the launch option. It seems that when you launch the game in full-screen mode, it consumes more resources and causes issues when loading. Fallout 4 has the option where you can either start it in full screen or Windowed mode. Solution 1: Launching in Windowed Borderless modeīefore we start with other solutions, we will first attempt at starting your game in Windowed borderless mode. It saves your progress and configurations but sometimes, it might conflict with the game engine.

  • Cloud sync: If you are playing Fallout 4 from Steam, the cloud sync feature can prove to be troublesome.
  • Here, you can make sure that you are always running the latest version.
  • Outdated Game/Windows: You also might experience the slow disk access if you have an outdated version of the game.
  • Reinstalling them usually solves the problem instantly.
  • Graphics drivers: Another rare cause why this issue occurs is because of either outdated or invalid graphics drivers installed on your computer.
  • This frame rate might prove the opposite when you are switching scenes or starting a game.

    fallout black screen on launch

  • Capped frame rate: Fallout 4 has the option to cap your frame rate so it doesn’t go beyond a certain limit.
  • It seems that Fallout 4 takes more time to load if you are playing in full screen.
  • Fullscreen mode: Even though the majority of the users think that using a full screen reduces the load of the computer, in fact, it is quite opposite.
  • Vertical Sync: NVIDIA’s vertical sync is known to improve the gameplay of several PCs but it is also known to cause several different conflicts and issues with the games which aren’t optimized to run with it.
  • Performing a workaround for this might fix the issue.
  • Bug in the game: Even though this is a rare occurrence, we found several cases where there was a bug and the game was taking longer than usual.
  • Overriding this setting in the configurations file might fix the problem.
  • Threads: Another instance can be where there are not an appropriate number of threads being run/executed for your game.
  • Slow disk access means that the game will take more time transferring data from your HDD drive to your RAM.
  • Slow disk access: A lot of our users reported that it was because of slow disk access that they were having issues when loading the game.

  • Fallout black screen on launch